Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous
old aunts quotes, aunts sayings, and aunts proverbs, collected over the years from a variety
of sources.
An aunt is a safe haven for a child. Someone who will keep your secrets and is always on your side.Sara Sheridan
My aunt once said that the world would never find peace until men fell at their women's feet and asked for forgiveness.Jack Kerouac
Only an aunt can give hugs like a mother, keep secrets like a sister and share love like a friend.unknown
An aunt is someone special to remember with warmth, think of with pride, and cherish with love.unknown
Aunts are to be a pattern and example to all aunts; to be a delight to boys (and girls) and a comfort to their parents; and to show that at least one daughter in every generation ought to remain unmarried, and raise the profession of auntship to a fine art.Dave Isay
It is not money my aunt thinks about. She knows better than to value worldly wealth above its price.Anne Bronte
Aunt: A cherished friend and personal cheerleader who will always see you through rose colored glasses.unknown
Well, I do have some maiden aunts that are not quite like the aunts in the book, but I definitely do have a couple of them, and a couple of old aunties.Donna Tartt
Maybe! Maybe! Maybe if your aunt had a beard, she'd be your uncle.Alvah Bessie
I want to be the coolest aunt in the entire world.Bailee Madison
I'm now the elder in the position of doling out wisdom and trying to mend fences.Jane Fonda
My aunt played the piano and I used to sit and listen to it.Dick Dale
I am single and childless, but I have lots of friends and I am an aunt to three lovely children.Kate Dicamillo
My aunts still try to fatten me up.Randy Wayne White
My father's sister never married in order to raise me.Marcel Carne
His father's sister had bats in the belfry and was put away.Eden Phillpotts
The woman who can create her own job is the woman who will win fame and fortune.Amelia Earhart
What makes a woman beautiful is her loyalty to and her friendships with other women, and her honesty with men.Vanessa Marcil
When a woman is talking to you, listen to what she says with her eyes.Victor Hugo
A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.Eleanor Roosevelt
The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her.Marcelene Cox
A woman is never sexier than when she is comfortable in her clothes.Vera Wang
A woman uses her intelligence to find reasons to support her intuition.Gilbert K. Chesterton
The real ornament of woman is her character, her purity.Mahatma Gandhi
The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.Audrey Hepburn
A woman should be like a single flower, not a whole bouquet.Anna Held
A woman whose smile is open and whose expression is glad has a kind of beauty no matter what she wears.Anne Roiphe
Cherish the friend who tells you a harsh truth, wanting ten times more to tell you a loving lie.Robert Brault
Every man should have aunts. They illustrate the triumph of guess work over logic.Agatha Christie
I'd rather be the cool aunt than the authoritative aunt.Solange Knowles
I was really lucky that I had an aunt who was very inspiring to me. She was different than anybody in my family on either side.Geena Davis
Aunts are the ones who stand beside Moms when nieces and nephews enter the world.Karen Moore
My mom, my aunt, and my grandma banded together and gave me a village of support when I was growing up.Michael Tubbs
The best aunts aren't substitute parents, they're co-conspirators.Daryl Gregory
Aunts are always offering cake, certainly you couldn't have had enough.Barry Spacks
Aunts are discreet, a little shy by instinct. They forbear to pry.Phyllis McGinley
To the loyal and to the blood-lovers, in the good families and in the fiery dynasties, life is family and family is life. It is the same people who give advice and their vices to live well who turn out to be the ones who give resource and reason to live long.Criss Jami
From that point on, I would refer to him as 'your uncle' and he would mostly refer to me as "your aunt" and it would take a longtime for our children to even understand that we were siblings first.Jenny Zhang
Aunts offer kids an opportunity to try out ideas that don't chime with their parents and they also demonstrate that people can get on, love each other and live together without necessarily being carbon copies.Sara Sheridan
They bring along their loving Aunt / But when they can't find a table for their fat Aunt Mable / They stamp their feet and cry.Steven Morrissey
Old aunts and old uncles, Lord I see stars / And then we'd run to the kitchen, you know kids and their games / Play fetch with old Buster, call each other names.Hayes Carll
Family Connections. Finally, we found it intriguing that virtually all aunts--whether they were aunts by blood, marriage, or held honorary aunt status-- were identified through family connections.Kory Floyd
The aunt is the mother's sister, or the father's brother's wife, rather than simply an aunt.Kory Floyd
The pervasiveness of the manner of describing their aunts suggests the importance of situating the aunt within the extended family.Kory Floyd
The aunt as a confidante and savvy peer and, in a contrasting way, as someone to be avoided.Kory Floyd
Sometimes an aunt helped a niece of nephew take a different perspective by offering sage counsel or a sympathetic ear.Kory Floyd
The aunt relationship is often engaged more intermittently, serendipitous, and in response to immediate exigencies than the mother relationship.Kory Floyd
The aunt nonetheless is an undeniable emotional presence in kinship and family relationships and histories.Kory Floyd
The relationship between aunt and niece was often based upon recognition of similarity between the two--but also emphasized the difference between mother and daughter.Sue A. Kuba
Sometimes just being an aunt is pretty fun too. You can play with them for a week or a weekend and give them back to Mom and Dad.Sue A. Kuba
Aunts were often involved in attempting to help a niece as she struggled with life choices and decisions.Sue A. Kuba
This free-spiritedness and unconventionality is the characteristic of a certain type of aunt we can call the cool aunt.Axel Nissen
Aunties have always been crucial in their roles as our 'other mothers' --those other women ho helped raised us.Tamara Traeder
Auntie is more a role than a moniker. An auntie is someone who is older, interested, a good listener, and a helpful adviser. Tamara Traeder
Aunties may also be someone who seems glamorous, or simply lives a different life than our mother does and provides another example of who we can be as a women.Tamara Traeder
Aunts often speak of how honored they are to have someone influence on a growing rirl, how seriously they take the relationship, and the importance of having a young woman in their lives.Tamara Traeder
Aunties need nieces, and nieces need aunties. It is never too late find an aunt, or to be one!Tamara Traeder
Many times aunties and nieces find amazing similarities in their tastes, attitudes, or even their appearances.Tamara Traeder
An auntie is often an 'other mother,' providing another role model of how to live our lives as women. Our mothers, of course, are valuable role models, but sometimes an aunt can provide an alternative style of living.Tamara Traeder
Aunts and uncles also shape the lives of nieces and nephews more directlyLynn H. Turner
Aunts tried to broaden horizons by exposing nieces and nephews to new experiences and introducing nieces to notions of femininity.Lynn H. Turner
The narrowing of the developmental schism between aunts/uncles and niece/nephews may facilitate the development of more intimate bonds.Lynn H. Turner
Maiden aunts were teachers and nurses, confidants and disciplinarians.Nancy Bercaw
Becoming an auntie, and having the opportunity to be in an active roles a one, has been an absolutely marvelous opprtunity.Tamara Traeder