Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous
old Abhishek Tiwari quotes, Abhishek Tiwari sayings, and Abhishek Tiwari proverbs, collected over the years from a variety
of sources.'
Falling in love with YOU was never my intention, but it became my ADDICTION.Abhishek Tiwari
Cheating is the most disrespectful thing one human being can do to another. If you aren't happy in a relationship, end it before starting another one.Abhishek Tiwari
You never know what life is going to throw at you so don't be afraid to take a chance because it might just be the best thing to happen to you!Abhishek Tiwari
Sometimes being nice isn't always the best thing because everyone knows that it's so easy to hurt nice people.Abhishek Tiwari
Do not take me for granted, being nice is not a matter of weakness, it is a matter of choice.Abhishek Tiwari
Old enough to see that it's wrong, young enough to do it anyway!Abhishek Tiwari
I don't believe in forgetting the past, Because it's always going to be a part of my life. But I can learn from it, accept it and move on!Abhishek Tiwari
Cheating is the most disrespectful thing one human being can do to another. If you aren't happy in a relationship, end it before starting another one.Abhishek Tiwari
I don't care if I'm not your first. All I want is to be your last!Abhishek Tiwari
Don't ever punish your present relationship for what your past relationship did.Abhishek Tiwari
Take life one step at a time look forward to your future, stop looking back and regretting the past, the past is the past because it does not last!Abhishek Tiwari
I can drive you crazy without a drivers license.Abhishek Tiwari
Falling in love with you was never my intention. but it became my addiction.Abhishek Tiwari
Life's too precious, so have fun, treasure the memories, say what you want, do what you want, have no regrets and remember everything happens for a reason.Abhishek Tiwari
Never insult those who are Poor or Ugly,They are the reason YOU look rich and good!Abhishek Tiwari
Always try not to be excited about something,because the more you get excited,the more you become disappointed.Abhishek Tiwari