Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous
old Amy Poehler quotes, Amy Poehler sayings, and Amy Poehler proverbs, collected over the years from a variety
of sources.'
No one looks stupid when they're having fun.Amy Poehler
There's power in looking silly and not caring that you do.Amy Poehler
The great thing about taking big chance when you're younger is you have less to lose and you don't know as much. So you take big swings.Amy Poehler
Try to keep your mind open to possibilities and your mouth closed on matters that you don't know about. Limit your 'always' and your 'nevers.'Amy Poehler
I am tired of being tired and talking about how tired I am.Amy Poehler
I just love bossy women. I could be around them all day. To me, bossy is not a pejorative term at all. It means somebody's passionate and engaged and ambitious and doesn't mind leading.Amy Poehler
I can party like a twenty-four-year-old but it takes me almost a week to recover.Amy Poehler
I just love bossy women. I could be around them all day. To me, bossy is not a pejorative term at all. It means somebody's passionate and engaged and ambitious and doesn't mind leading.Amy Poehler
Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.Amy Poehler
There's power in looking silly and not caring that you do.Amy Poehler
Sometimes you need to know to quit while you're ahead or at least before things get much worse!Amy Poehler
Anyone who has the kind of inventive and inspired comic sensibility to be able to do that kind of work must be pretty talented.Amy Poehler
It's never overreacting to ask for what you want and need.Amy Poehler
Don't treat your heart like an action figure wrapped in plastic and never used.Amy Poehler
You have to remember that goodbyes are temporary because no one ever really leaves and nothing lasts forever. People are always with us, because they are in our hearts and in our memory. The only thing we can depend on is change... Life is just a series of moments -- a string of pearls that make up the necklace of your life and so every once in a while, to complete the circle, you need to end a chapter. Amy Poehler
Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.Amy Poehler
Sometimes painful things can teach us lessons that we didn't think we needed to know.Amy Poehler
I love saying 'yes' and I love saying 'please.' Saying 'yes' doesn't mean I don't know how to say no, and saying 'please' doesn't mean I am waiting for permission. 'Yes please' sounds powerful and concise. It's a response and a request. It is not about being a good girl; it is about being a real woman. Amy Poehler
I just love bossy women. I could be around them all day. To me, bossy is not a pejorative term at all. It means somebody’s passionate and engaged and ambitious and doesn’t mind learning.Amy Poehler
Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.Amy Poehler
I want to be around people that do things. I don’t want to be around people anymore that judge or talk about what people do. I want to be around people that dream and support and do things.Amy Poehler
Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.Amy Poehler
Try putting your iPhones down every once in a while and look at people’s faces. People's faces will tell you amazing things.Amy Poehler
Don’t treat your heart like an action figure wrapped in plastic and never used.Amy Poehler
There's power in looking silly and not caring that you do.Amy Poehler
Short people do not like to be picked up.Amy Poehler
Change is the only constant. Learn to surf your life instead of planting your feet.Amy Poehler
Imagine spreading everything you care about on a blanket and then tossing the whole thing up in the air. The process of divorce is about loading that blanket, throwing it up, watching it all spin, and worrying what stuff will break when it lands.Amy Poehler
Symmetry is pleasing but not as sexy. Einstein is cool but Picasso knows what I'm talking about.Amy Poehler
It’s a really magical time, those first few weeks. It almost makes you wish you didn’t have to tell anyone, ever. You could just watch your belly grow bigger, and no one would be allowed to ask you about it, and you would have your baby and a year later you would allow visitors to finally come and meet your little miracle.Amy Poehler