Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous
old Beverly Engel quotes, Beverly Engel sayings, and Beverly Engel proverbs, collected over the years from a variety
of sources.'
Emotional abuse is any type of abuse that is not physical in nature. It can include everything from verbal abuse to the silent treatment, domination to subtle manipulation.Beverly Engel
A meaningful apology is one that communicates three R's: regret, responsibility, and remedy.Beverly Engel
Apology reminds us that each person (including ourselves) deserves to be respected and treated fairly.Beverly Engel
It is my contention that Nice Girl behavior sets women up to be misused and abused. This does not mean that women cause men to become abusive. It does not mean that women are masochists. What it does mean is that by being too nice, women send a strong message to those who already have a tendency to use and abuse. The message is: “My need to be seen as nice (or sweet or innocent) is more powerful than my instinct to protect myself.” Beverly Engel
You cannot make yourself have a flashback, nor will you have one unless you are emotionally ready to remember something. Once remembered, the memory can help you to face more of the truth. You can then express your pent-up feelings about the memory and continue on your path to recovery. Think of the flashback as a clue to the next piece of work. No matter how painful, try to view it as a positive indication that you are now ready and willing to remember.Beverly Engel
Emotional abuse is a major epidemic in our culture.Beverly Engel
Emotional abuse is the least understood form of abuse.Beverly Engel
Ultimately, given enough time, most victim of emotional abuse come not only to blame themselves for all the problems in the relationship come not only to blame themselves for all the problems in the relationship but also to believe that they are inadequate, contemptuous, and even unlovable.Beverly Engel
Emotional abuse is considered by many to be the most painful form of violence and the most detrimental to self-esteem.Beverly Engel
Emotional abuse cuts to the very core of a person, creating scars that may be longer lasting than physical ones.Beverly Engel
With emotional abuse, the insults, insinuations, crtiticism, and accusations slowly eat away at the victim's self-esteem until he or she is incapable of judging a situation realistically.Beverly Engel
Emotional abuse poisons a relationship and infuses it with hostility, contempt, and hatred,Beverly Engel
No matter how much a couple once loved each other, once emotional abuse becomes a consistent aspect of the relationship, that love is overshadowed by fear, anger, guilt, and shame.Beverly Engel
At the very least, emotional abuse causes both abuser and the victim to lose sight of any redeeming qualities his or her partner once had.Beverly Engel
The disrespect and hatred each partner begins to feel leads to more and more emotional abuse and to each partner justifying inappropriate, even destructive, behavior.Beverly Engel
Over time, anger can build up on the part of both abuser and victim, and emotional abuse can turn into physical violence.Beverly Engel
When emotional abuse is mutual, it becomes a matter of survival, as each partner has to constantly fend off criticism, verbal attacks, or rejection and shore up enough strength to go on with daily tasks. Beverly Engel
As the emotional abuse takes its toll and each partner becomes less and less self-assured, each clings to the relationship even more.Beverly Engel
No one wants to have to face the fact that he or she has lost control in this way and that his or her actions and/or words have caused his or her partner emotional damage.Beverly Engel
To dominate is to attempt to control another person's actions.Beverly Engel
The person who tries to dominate another person has a tremendous need to have his own way.Beverly Engel
A dominating person often resorts to threats in order to get in.Beverly Engel
Domineering behavior includes ordering a partner around; monitoring time and activities; restricting resources.Beverly Engel
To dominating partners, even commitment can feel like emotional suffocation.Beverly Engel
Verbal abuse assaults the mind and spirit, causing wounds that are extremely difficult to heal.Beverly Engel
Emotional blackmail is one of the most powerful forms if manipulation.Beverly Engel
Verbal abuse assaults the mind and spirit, causing wounds that are extremely difficult to heal.Beverly Engel
Emotional blackmail is one of the most powerful forms if manipulation.Beverly Engel
Emotional abuse is any nonphysical behavior or attitude that is designed to control, intimidate, subjugate, demean, punish or isolate another person.Beverly Engel
Emotional abuse is like brainwashing in that it systematically wears away at the victim's self confidence.Beverly Engel