Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous
old Christina Georgina Rossetti quotes, Christina Georgina Rossetti sayings, and Christina Georgina Rossetti proverbs, collected over the years from a variety
of sources.'
Let bygones be bygones. Christina Georgina Rossetti
O passing angel, speed me with a song, a melody of heaven to reach my heart and rouse me to the race and make me strong.Christina Georgina Rossetti
Hurt no living thing:
Ladybird, nor butterfly,
Nor moth with dusty wing,Christina Georgina Rossetti
Herself a rose, who bore the Rose, / She bore the Rose and felt its thorn. / All loveliness new-born / Took on her bosom its repose, / And slept and woke there night and morn.Christina Georgina Rossetti
What is red? a poppy's red / In its barley bed.Christina Georgina Rossetti
There is but one May in the year, / And sometimes May is wet and cold; / There is but one May in the year / Before the year grows old.Christina Georgina Rossetti
Yet though it be the chilliest May, / With least of sun and most of showers,
/ ts wind and dew, its night and day, / Bring up the flowers.Christina Georgina Rossetti
Last of all, December, / The year's sands nearly run, / Speeds on the shortest day, / Curtails the sun;
Christina Georgina Rossetti
I cannot tell you how it was, / But this I know: it came to pass / Upon a bright and sunny day / When May was young; ah, pleasant May!Christina Georgina Rossetti
I cannot tell you what it was, / But this I know: it did but pass. / It passed away with sunny May, / Like all sweet things it passed away, / And left me old, and cold, and gray.Christina Georgina Rossetti
Love me - I love you, / Love me, my baby / Sing it high, sing it low / Sing it as may be.Christina Georgina Rossetti
If hope grew on a bush / And joy grew on a tree / What a nosegay for the plucking
There would be!Christina Georgina Rossetti
A baby's cradle with no baby in it/ A baby's grave where autumn leaves drop sere/ The sweet soul gathered home to paradise /The body waiting here.Christina Georgina Rossetti
I know a baby, such a baby / Round blue eyes and cheeks of pink / Such an elbow furrowed with dimples / Such a wrist where creases sink / ‘Cuddle and love me, cuddle and love me’/ Crows the mouth of coral pink / Oh, the bald head, and, oh, the sweet lips / And, oh, the sleepy eyes that wink! Christina Georgina Rossetti
Rejoicing in the sun: / That when my time is run / And daylight too, / I so might rest once more / Cool with refreshing dew.Christina Georgina Rossetti
A ring upon her finger, walks the bride, with the bridegroom tall and handsome at her side.
Christina Georgina Rossetti
For careless joys, yet it's I who wear the ring.Christina Georgina Rossetti
The peacock has a score of eyes, With which he cannot see; The cod-fish has a silent sound.Christina Georgina Rossetti
The peach tree on the southern wall / Has basked so long beneath the sun, / Her score of peaches great and small / Bloom rosy, every one.Christina Georgina Rossetti
Shed petals white or pink, / Plum-trees and peach-trees; / While sharp showers sink and sink.Christina Georgina Rossetti
Hung on laden orange-trees, whose shadowed foliage is the foil to golden lamps and oranges.Christina Georgina Rossetti
O wind, where have you been, / That you blow so sweet? Christina Georgina Rossetti
‘Cuddle and love me, cuddle and love me,’ / Crows the mouth of coral pink: / Oh, the bald head, and, oh, the sweet lips, / And, oh, the sleepy eyes that wink!Christina Georgina Rossetti
Blind from my birth, / Where flowers are springing / I sit on earth / All dark. Christina Georgina Rossetti
What is pink? a rose is pink / By a fountain's brink. / What is red? a poppy's red / In its barley bed. / What is blue? the sky is blue / Where the clouds float thro' / What is white? a swan is white / Sailing in the light. / What is yellow? pears are yellow, / Rich and ripe and mellow. / What is green? the grass is green, / With small flowers between. / What is violet? clouds are violet / In the summer twilight. / What is orange? Why, an orange, / Just an orange!Christina Georgina Rossetti
Bread and milk for breakfast, / And woolen frocks to wear, / And a crumb for robin redbreast / On the cold days of the year.Christina Georgina Rossetti