Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous
old Eudora Welty quotes, Eudora Welty sayings, and Eudora Welty proverbs, collected over the years from a variety
of sources.'
A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away.Eudora Welty
A good snapshot stops a moment from running away.Eudora Welty
...all serious daring starts from within.Eudora Welty
A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away.Eudora Welty
A plot is a thousand times more unsettling than an argument, which may be answered.Eudora Welty
The strands are all there; to the memory nothing is ever lost.Eudora Welty
The first act of insight is throw away the labels.Eudora Welty
Insight doesn't happen often on the click of the moment, like a lucky snapshot, but comes in its own time and more slowly and from nowhere but within.Eudora Welty
Writing a story or a novel is one way of discovering sequence in experience, of stumbling upon cause and effect in the happenings of a writer's own life.Eudora Welty
A thing is incredible, if ever, only after it is told -- returned to the world it came out of.Eudora Welty
A thing is incredible, if ever, only after it is told—returned to the world it came out of.Eudora Welty
A sheltered life can be a daring life as well. For all serious daring starts from within.Eudora Welty
Human life is fiction's only theme.Eudora Welty
Location pertains to feelings - feelings are bound up in place.Eudora Welty
No blur of inexactness, no cloud of vagueness, is allowable in good writing from the first seeing to the last putting down, there must be steady lucidity and uncompromising of purpose.Eudora Welty
Each day the storm clouds were opening like great purple flowers and pouring out their dark thunder. Each nightfall, the storm was laid down on their houses like a burden the day had carried.Eudora Welty
Through travel I first became aware of the outside world; it was through travel that I found my own introspective way into becoming a part of it.Eudora Welty
A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away.Eudora Welty
He, who had once been the declared optimist, had not once expressed hope. Now it was she who was offering it to him. And it might be false hope.Eudora Welty