Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous
old Gore Vidal quotes, Gore Vidal sayings, and Gore Vidal proverbs, collected over the years from a variety
of sources.'
Whenever a friend succeeds, a little something in me dies.Gore Vidal
We must always remember that the police are recruited from the criminal classes.Gore Vidal
The theater needs continual reminders that there is nothing more debasing than the work of those who do well what is not worth doing at all.Gore Vidal
Democracy is supposed to give you a feeling of choice, like painkiller x and painkiller y. But they're both just aspirin.Gore Vidal
A narcissist is someone better looking than you are.Gore Vidal
Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.Gore Vidal
The theater needs continual reminders that there is nothing more debasing than the work of those who do well what is not worth doing at all.Gore Vidal
Southerners make such good novelists; they have so many good stories because they have so much family.Gore Vidal
It's not enough to succeed. Others must fail.Gore Vidal
One's neighbor is always the enemy. That is the nature of things.Gore Vidal
Television is now so desperately hungry for material that they're scraping the top of the barrel.Gore Vidal
To bring into the world an unwanted human being is as antisocial an act as murder.Gore Vidal
Realism has always been called cynicism.Gore Vidal
France is a nation devoted to the false hypothesis on which it then builds marvelously logical structures.Gore Vidal
A racial or religious or tribal identity is a kind of fact.Gore Vidal
If satire is to be effective, the audience must be aware of the thing satirized.Gore Vidal
It is essential to naturalist doctrine that literature, to be good, must, finally, be the author's experience worked out literally.Gore Vidal
As for civil liberties, any one who is not vigilant may one day find himself living, if not in a police state, at least in a police city.Gore Vidal
Altruism is a brief phase through which some adolescents must pass. It is rather like acne. Happily, as with acne, only a few are permanently scarred.Gore Vidal
We affect one another quite enough merely by existing. Whenever the stars cross, or is it comets? Fragments pass briefly from one orbit to another. On rare occasions there is total collision, but most often the two simply continue without incident, neither losing more than a particle to the other, in passing.Gore Vidal
The U.S. Bill of Rights is being steadily eroded, with two million telephone calls tapped, 30 million workers under electronic surveillance, and, says the author, countless Americans harassed by a government that wages spurious wars against drugs and terrorism.Gore Vidal
Never have children, only grandchildren.Gore Vidal
Traitors who prevail are patriots usurpers who succeed are divine emperors.Gore Vidal
The theater needs continual reminders that there is nothing more debasing than the work of those who do well what is not worth doing at all.Gore Vidal
Whenever a friend succeeds, a little something in me dies.Gore Vidal
Politics is made up of to words; 'poli,' which is Greek for 'many,' and 'tics' which are blood-sucking insectsGore Vidal
Half of the American people have never read a newspaper. Half never voted for President. One hopes it is the same half.Gore Vidal
Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.Gore Vidal
Because there is no cosmic point to the life that each of us perceives on this distant bit of dust at the galaxy's edge... there is all the more reason for us to maintain in proper balance what we have here. Because there is nothing else. Nothing. This is it. And quite enough, all in all.Gore Vidal
You cannot get through the density of the propaganda with which the American people, through the dreaded media, have been filled and the horrible public educational system we have for the average person. It's just grotesque.Gore Vidal