Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous
old Jose Ortega Y Gasset quotes, Jose Ortega Y Gasset sayings, and Jose Ortega Y Gasset proverbs, collected over the years from a variety
of sources.'
One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted?If one were to present the sportsman with the death of the animal as a gift he would refuse it. What he is after is having to win it, to conquer the surly brute throughJose Ortega Y Gasset
Excellence means when a man or woman asks of himself more than others do.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
A revolution does not last more than fifteen years, the period which coincides with the flourishing of a generation.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
Love is that splendid triggering of human vitality... the supreme activity which nature affords anyone for going out of himself toward someone else.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
When you are fed up with the troublesome present, take your gun, whistle for your dog, and go out to the mountain.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
Effort is only effort when it begins to hurt.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
An obsession is intrusive because it does not require a permit to walk into the brain.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
Abasement, degradation is simply the manner of life of the man who has refused to be what it is his duty to be.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
All we are given are possibilities to make ourselves one thing or another.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
The metaphor is probably the most fertile power possessed by man.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
The metaphor is perhaps one of man's most fruitful potentialities. Its efficacy verges on magic, and it seems a tool for creation which God forgot inside one of His creatures when He made him.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
Our firmest convictions are apt to be the most suspect; they mark our limitations and our bounds. Life is a petty thing unless it is moved by the indomitable urge to extend its boundaries.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
Man adapts himself to everything, to the best and the worst.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
Civilization is nothing more than the effort to reduce the use of force to the last resort.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
In order to be enchanted we must be, above all, capable of seeing another person simply opening one's eyes will not do.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
We cannot put off living until we are ready. The most salient characteristic of life is its urgency, 'here and now' without any possible postponement. Life is fired at us point-blank.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
The cynic, a parasite of civilization, lives by denying it, for the very reason that he is convinced that it will not fail.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
To wonder is to begin to understand.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
The tapestry of history that seems so full of tragedy when viewed from the front has countless comic scenes woven into its reverse side. In truth, tragedy and comedy are the twin masks of history - its mass appeal.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
The heart of man does not tolerate an absence of the excellent and supreme.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
Meditation on any theme, if positive and honest, inevitably separates him who does the meditating from the opinion prevailing around him, from that which ... can be called 'public' or 'popular' opinion.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
Biography is: a system in which the contradictions of a human life are unified.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
Since love is the most delicate and total act of a soul, it will reflect the state and nature of the soul.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
Thinking is the desire to gain reality by means of ideas.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
Life is a series of collisions with the future.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understandJose Ortega Y Gasset
We have need of history in its entirety, not to fall back into it, but to see if we can escape from it.Jose Ortega Y Gasset
Law is born from despair of human nature.Jose Ortega Y Gasset