Luc De Clapiers Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old Luc De Clapiers quotes, Luc De Clapiers sayings, and Luc De Clapiers proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.'

The art of pleasing is the art of deception. Luc De Clapiers
The wicked are always surprised to find ability in the good. Luc De Clapiers
Hatred of dishonesty generally arises from fear of being deceived. Luc De Clapiers
Those who can bear all can dare all. Luc De Clapiers
Clarity is the counterbalance of profound thoughts. Luc De Clapiers
Despair is the greatest of our errors. Luc De Clapiers
Despair puts the last touch not only to our misery but also to our weakness. Luc De Clapiers
Despair exaggerates not only our misery but also our weakness. Luc De Clapiers
The lazy are always wanting to do something. Luc De Clapiers
Conscience, the organ of feeling which dominates us and of the opinions which rule us, is presumptuous in the strong, timid in the weak and unfortunate, uneasy in the undecided. Luc De Clapiers
Clarity is the counterbalance of profound thoughts. Luc De Clapiers
The most absurd and reckless aspirations have sometimes led to extraordinary success. Luc De Clapiers
All that is unfair, offends us if it's not beneficial for us. Luc De Clapiers
He who knows how to suffer everything can dare everything. Luc De Clapiers
Hatred and dishonesty generally arises from fear of being deceived. Luc De Clapiers
We discover in ourselves what others hide from us and we recognize in others what we hide from ourselves. Luc De Clapiers
The lazy are always wanting to do something. Luc De Clapiers
Lazy people are always anxious to be doing something. Luc De Clapiers
The fruit derived from labor is the sweetest of pleasures. Luc De Clapiers
The mind reaches great heights only by spurts. Luc De Clapiers
The light of the dawn is not so sweet as the first glimpses of fame. Luc De Clapiers
Clarity is the counterbalance of profound thoughts. Luc De Clapiers
The most absurd and reckless aspirations have sometimes led to extraordinary success. Luc De Clapiers
Lazy people are always anxious to be doing something. Luc De Clapiers
A new principle is an inexhaustible source of new views. Luc De Clapiers
It is of no use to possess a lively wit if it is not of the right proportion: The perfection of a clock is not to go fast, but to be accurate Luc De Clapiers
The most absurd and reckless aspirations have sometimes led to extraordinary success. Luc De Clapiers
Obscurity is the realm of error. Luc De Clapiers

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