Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous
old Steven Pressfield quotes, Steven Pressfield sayings, and Steven Pressfield proverbs, collected over the years from a variety
of sources.'
Fear doesn't go away. The warrior and the artist live by the same code of necessity, which dictates that the battle must be fought anew every day. Steven Pressfield
The Principle of Priority states (a) you must know the difference between what is urgent and what is important, and (b) you must do what's important first.Steven Pressfield
Courage is inseparable from love and leads to what may arguably be the noblest of all warrior virtues: selflessness.Steven Pressfield
A work-in-progress generates its own energy field. You, the artist or entrepreneur, are pouring love into the work; you are suffusing it with passion and intention and hope.Steven Pressfield
We're never alone. As soon as we step outside the campfire glow, our Muse lights on our shoulder like a butterfly. The act of courage calls for infallibly that deeper part of ourselves that supports and sustains us.Steven Pressfield
The highest treason a crab can commit is to make a leap for the rim of the bucket.Steven Pressfield
The Gnostics believed that exile was the essential condition of man. Do you agree? I do. The artist and the addict both wrestle with this experience of exile. They share an acute, even excruciating sensitivity to the state of separation and isolation, and both actively seek a way to overcome it, to transcend it, or at least to make the pain go away. What is the pain of being human? It's the condition of being suspended between two worlds and being unable to fully enter into either.Steven Pressfield
Courage is inseparable from love and leads to what may arguably be the noblest of all warrior virtues: selflessness.Steven Pressfield
The difference between an amateur and a professional is in their habits. An amateur has amateur habits. A professional has professional habits. We can never free ourselves from habit. But we can replace bad habits with good ones.Steven Pressfield
The professional does not wait for inspiration; he acts in anticipation of it. Steven Pressfield
Nothing is as empowering as real-world validation, even if it's for failure.Steven Pressfield
Slay that dragon once, and he will never have power over you again.Steven Pressfield
Resistance cannot be seen, touched, heard, or smelled. But it can be felt.Steven Pressfield
Resistance is experienced as fear; the degree of fear equates to the strength of Resistance.Steven Pressfield
Resistance by definition is self-sabotage.Steven Pressfield
Resistance is greatest just before the finish line.Steven Pressfield
Resistance is implacable, intractable, indefatigable.Steven Pressfield
Resistance will tell you anything to keep you from doing your work.Steven Pressfield
Nothing is as empowering as real world validation, even if it's for failure.Steven Pressfield
Our job in this life is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it.Steven Pressfield
When we sit down day after day and keep grinding, something mysterious starts to happen. Unseen forces enlist in our cause; serendipity reinforces our purpose.Steven Pressfield
We don't tell ourselves, 'I'm never going to write my symphony.' Instead, we say, 'I'm going to write my symphony; I'm, going to start tomorrow.'Steven Pressfield