Sunday Adelaja Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old Sunday Adelaja quotes, Sunday Adelaja sayings, and Sunday Adelaja proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.'

Gloom and darkness are temporary. Joy comes in the morning. Sunday Adelaja
After every dark night comes a glorious morning of a new day. Sunday Adelaja
Baptism in the Holy Spirit belongs to them that believe and are not of this world. Sunday Adelaja
Our attention should be concentrated on God, instead of on what we wear. Sunday Adelaja
A job should only be a means of attaining the highest goal. Sunday Adelaja
Each victory with God can bring a reassurance once more that the ones born of God are victorious. Sunday Adelaja
Christians need to have a mindset of victory, because God has destined us for victory. Sunday Adelaja
The vision of your tomorrow that you have today strengthens you for the morrow. Sunday Adelaja
Only faith in God and trust in Him give us the strength to endure and obtain victory. Sunday Adelaja
God's Jewish nation did not understand his divine priority for the kingdom. Sunday Adelaja
To carry the atmosphere of God's Glory is to extend it to the whole earth. Sunday Adelaja
An atmosphere of happiness is the atmosphere of the Kingdom of God. Sunday Adelaja
Live a life of discipline and live a life of celebration. Sunday Adelaja
Our young men and women must be taught that through hard work, they can create opportunities for themselves and others. Sunday Adelaja
When you know who you are, you won't have false modesty. Sunday Adelaja
Sometimes due to God's mercy, the time in God's plan can be stretched or extended Sunday Adelaja
If you want people to parade your organization, aspire to have increase. Sunday Adelaja
An organization has worth when its movement has a tangible goal. Sunday Adelaja
Your gift is not what you do but what you are. Sunday Adelaja
The secret of success lies in the perfection of one's gift and working frantically towards God's given potential. Sunday Adelaja
Realize that your gift does not belong merely to you. Sunday Adelaja
You must live a life of self-consciousness always. Sunday Adelaja
You will only have influence and power in the field of your gifts and talents. Sunday Adelaja
Eliminate all distractions and focus on things that add value to your life Sunday Adelaja
Intensity is the extreme application of force and strength. Sunday Adelaja
To be irrelevant is to categorize your live into separate pursuit. Sunday Adelaja
To be irrelevant is to categorize your live into separate pursuit Sunday Adelaja
The more pressure you place on yourself, in search of increase the more you will likely get of it Sunday Adelaja
Stewardship is the hallmark of life on earth. Sunday Adelaja
Conscience can be silenced through an incessant disobedience Sunday Adelaja

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