Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous
old Temple Grandin quotes, Temple Grandin sayings, and Temple Grandin proverbs, collected over the years from a variety
of sources.'
Nature is cruel, but we don't have to be.Temple Grandin
If by some magic, autism had been eradicated from the face of the earth, then men would still be socializing in front of a wood fire at the entrance to a cave.Temple Grandin
If I could snap my fingers and be nonautistic, I would not. Autism is part of what I am.Temple Grandin
In special education, there's too much emphasis placed on the deficit and not enough on the strength.Temple Grandin
Livestock producers observe that when rough, stressful handling practices are eliminated, cattle resume eating a full day earlier.Temple Grandin
Lot of animals living in captivity don't mate successfully because there's something wrong with their living conditions that stops them from acting naturally.Temple Grandin
Animals don't have purely behavioral needs, and if an animal expresses a normal behavior in an abnormal environment, its welfare may be poor.Temple Grandin
All animals and people have the same core emotion system in the brain. When people are suffering mentally, they want to feel better-they want to stop having bad emotions and start having a good emotions. That's the right goal with animals, too.Temple Grandin
We should assume that some captive animals feel frustrated being locked up inside. Many captive animals try to escape as soon as they have an opportunity.Temple Grandin
Animals don't have purely behavioral needs, and if an animal expresses a normal behavior in an abnormal envirorment, its welfare may be poor.Temple Grandin
The horse is an animal that survives in the wild by fleeing annd kicking at predators that are attacking it.Temple Grandin
Lot of animals living in captivity don't mate successfully because there's something wrong with their living conditions that stops them from acting naturally.Temple Grandin
Animals don't have purely behavioral needs, and if an animal expresses a normal behavior in an abnormal environment, its welfare may be poor.Temple Grandin
All animals and people have the same core emotion system in the brain. When people are suffering mentally, they want to feel better-they want to stop having bad emotions and start having a good emotions. That's the right goal with animals, too.Temple Grandin
We should assume that some captive animals feel frustrated being locked up inside. Many captive animals try to escape as soon as they have an opportunity.Temple Grandin
All animals and people have the same core emotion system in the brain. When people are suffering mentally, then want to feel better and that's the same with animals, too.Temple Grandin
We know dogs need people because they evolved to live with people.Temple Grandin
The first dogs might have had some type of 'owner' or human family, but they wouldn't have lived in homes with fences.Temple Grandin
It is never too late to expand the mind of a person on the autism spectrum.Temple Grandin
Autism is a neurological disorder. It's not caused by bad parenting. It's caused by, you know, abnormal development in the brain. The emotional circuits in the brain are abnormal. And there also are differences in the white matter, which is the brain's computer cables that hook up the different brain departments.Temple Grandin