Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous
old Thomas S. Monson quotes, Thomas S. Monson sayings, and Thomas S. Monson proverbs, collected over the years from a variety
of sources.'
When we treat people merely as they are, they will remain as they are. When we treat them as if they were what they should be, they will become what they should be.Thomas S. Monson
Perhaps the surest test of an individual's integrity is his refusal to do or say anything that would damage his self-respect.Thomas S. Monson
We can't direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. For maximum happiness, peace, and contentment, may we choose a positive attitude.Thomas S. Monson
The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it.Thomas S. Monson
Work will win when wishy washy wishing won't.Thomas S. Monson
The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it.Thomas S. Monson
Lessons learned in the home, last the longest.Thomas S. Monson
As we arise each morning, let us determine to respond with love and kindness to whatever might come our way.Thomas S. Monson
Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you.Thomas S. Monson
Let us be kind to one another, to be aware of each other's needs, and try to help in that regard.Thomas S. Monson
Prayer can solve more problems, alleviate more suffering, prevent more transgression, and bring about greater peace and contentment in the human soul than can be obtained in any other way.Thomas S. Monson
Let us open wide the windows of our hearts, that each family member may feel welcome and at home.Thomas S. Monson
Raising children, be aware that the piles and piles of laundry will disappear all too soon and that you will, to your surprise, miss them profoundly.Thomas S. Monson
You can't be right by doing wrong; you can't be wrong by doing right.Thomas S. Monson
The courage to say no, the courage to say yes. Decisions do determine Destiny.Thomas S. Monson
We tend to become like those whom we admire.Thomas S. Monson
If you want to give light to others you have to glow yourself.Thomas S. Monson
Our most significant opportunities will be found in times of greatest difficulty.Thomas S. Monson
To live greatly, we must develop the capacity to face trouble with courage, disappointment with cheerfulness, and triumph with humility.Thomas S. Monson
Choose your love, Love your choice.Thomas S. Monson
The way to be with God in every season is to strive to be near Him every week and each day.Thomas S. Monson
We can lift ourselves, and others as well, when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude. Thomas S. Monson
At times some may think that no one cares--but someone always cares! Your Heavenly Father will not leave you to struggle alone, but stands ever ready to help.Thomas S. Monson
Study with purpose, both in church and in school. Write down your goals and what you plan to do to achieve them. Aim high, for you are capable.Thomas S. Monson
Have an attitude of gratitude.Thomas S. Monson
The reward of eternal life requires effort.Thomas S. Monson
Our opportunities to give of ourselves are indeed limitless, but they are also perishable.Thomas S. Monson
With a strong testimony of the Savior and His restored gospel, you have limitless opportunities to shine.Thomas S. Monson
There is absolutely nothing in this world that will provide more comfort and happiness than a testimony of the truth.Thomas S. Monson
The temples are a refuge from life's storms even a never-failing beacon guiding us to safety.Thomas S. Monson