Gray Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old gray quotes, gray sayings, and gray proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.

Life isn't black and white. It's a million gray areas, don't you find? Ridley Scott
Gray is the queen of colors, because she makes everyone else look good. Helen Van Wyk
A gray day provides the best light. Leonardo da Vinci
Color is the essence of painting, which the subject always killed. Kasimir Malevich
The gray silence, the gray waves, the gray wastes of the sea. William Sharp
Most consequential choices involve shades of gray, and some fog is often useful in getting things done. Timothy Geithner
Gray is the color... the most important of all... absent of opinion, nothing, neither/nor. Gerhard Richter
Gray hairs seem to my fancy like the soft light of the moon, silvering over the evening of life. Jean Paul
The color of truth is gray. Andre Gide
Color is the language of the poets. It is astonishingly lovely. To speak it is a privilege. Keith Crown
The gray has no chance against that smile. It vanishes in a wonderful haze of bright color. Harlan Coben
Life is not black and white; there is some gray nuance to it. Pilou Asbaek
Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up. Allen Klein
The tones of gray, pale turquoise and pink will prevail. Christian Dior
Gray skies are just clouds passing over. Duke Ellington
Gray hairs are signs of wisdom if you hold your tongue, speak and they are but hairs, as in the young. Rabindranath Tagore
When men get gray hair, they look distinguished. When women get gray hair, they look old. John Lithgow
I can't stand Marge's gray hair. It's like I'm married to Richard Gere. Matt Groening
Oh, Marge. Don't worry. Lots of movie stars have gray hair, like all those women we loved in the eighties. Matt Groening
This is where our usual comfort level of black and white is now in a crappy little gray area. Christian Sesma
One day I saw you smile, and it really knocked me out. You smiled. It was like the sun breaking out on a gray day. Jane Bernstein
They wait for us. Let them wait. Men with gray hair are very patient. Tom T. Chamales
Grandpa means someone who is old and gray. Jeff Franklin
You did that on purpose! You're going away till you're gray! I got the evidence! Hal Needham
At Christmas tide your hair was gray, But memories chased your cares away, Now lovingly in my simple way, I send you love on Mutter's Day. Mutter's Day, number 16. Laird Doyle
My god, look at this place! It's like a coloring book if the only crayon available was gray. Doug Walker
This jail's so neat; all the colors match! Gray, gray, and gray! Jamie Greenberg
Time is what gives a man gray hair. Luke Short
When you're mature, your hair turns gray. Mitchell Kriegman
The world is not black and white but gray. Mladen Reljanovic
You worry too much, Harry. It's turning you gray. Gene Roddenberry
So wake me when the sun goes down / Tonight's my last night in town / I pledge to a flag so grey / No matter what time, the skies are grey. Jacques Webster
One man on a lonely platform / One case sitting by his side / Two eyes staring cold and silent / Show fear as he turns to hide / Aaah, we fade to grey Chris Payne
As the cold gray light of gone / When waking up and finding out / She's never coming home Bill Anderson
The house was deathly quiet / I knew something was wrong / Then suddenly it dawned on me / The cold gray light of gone Bill Anderson
No, there's nothing quite as lonely / As the cold gray light of gone / When waking up and finding out / She's never coming home Bill Anderson
The gray dawn slaughters / the promise of Spring / Winter’s desperate last goodbye Kurt Philip Behm
If you were shocked by a gray hair or two at thirty, you may have felt they were premature, but, technically, they were right on schedule. Diana Lewis Jewell
How early we gray is determined by our genes, or more specifically, the family code for 'turning off' the metabolism of menocytes. Diana Lewis Jewell
Age may not be the most reliable indicator of when gray hair will appear, but the aging process is the number-one suspect. Diana Lewis Jewell
We tend to associate gray with what is boring, but there are a thousand kinds of gray, and when combined with colors its varieties are endless. Krisztina Fehérváry
People don't understand us. They don't understand me. They think it's so black and white, that he makes me miserable and that I should be with someone else and that I deserve something else. But it's not black and white at all. It's gray. It's a never ending world of gray Amanda Grace
The color gray is a peculiar color for a city because the color is not definite. Philip Bachman
The color gray is a reference to ambiguity, speculation, and nebulous deconstruction without solution. Philip Bachman
Storm gray delivers the floods. Philip Bachman
Gun metal gray or pewter gray is the color of the ocean on an overcast day. Philip Bachman
The color of truth is gray. Darla Ferrara
Color cards must have absolutely accurate colors and gray levels, so purchase them from a reputable professional camera. Ken Milburn
The gray color is completely free to express. Osama Blal Abd Elfatah
The color gray, a mixture of black and white in equal proportions. Adelle Bradford
Whether we realize it or not, in the battle arena we call life most of our time is spent in one gray area or the another. Adelle Bradford
Life is full of gray areas of compromise where the gray banner is far stronger than all the others because it is all the others combined. Adelle Bradford
Gray market goods, however, are sold outside the normal distribution channels and, in some cases, were not intended for sale in the United States. Seth E. Lipner
Gray market sales nevertheless constitute a vigorous industry. Seth E. Lipner
Gray day. Everything is gray. I watch. But nothing moves today. Dr. Seuss
I like these cold, gray winter days. Days like these let you savor a bad mood. Bill Watterson

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