Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous
old spring break quotes, spring break sayings, and spring break proverbs, collected over the years from a variety
of sources.
Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!'Robin Williams
Spring won't let me stay in this house any longer! I must get out and breathe the air deeply again.Gustav Mahler
Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems.Rainer Maria Rilke
With the coming of spring, I am calm again.Gustav Mahler
Spring is when life's alive in everything.Christina Rossetti
Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!Sitting Bull
The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.Harriet Ann Jacobs
In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.Margaret Atwood
It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!Mark Twain
On vacation, I totally unplug. I don't bring a laptop with me.Will Wright
A vacation from school should not mean hunger for our children.Dina Titus
I'm going to go away on vacation, I'm going to try to get away from the phone, away from scripts. I think it's important to sit back and think about what you want.Parker Stevenson
Oh, Spring! I want to go out and feel you and get inspiration. My old things seem dead. I want fresh contacts, more vital searching.Emily Carr
I think in spring, we don't want to wear makeup, we don't want to wear a ton of clothes, we just want everything to be easier.Rachel Zoe
Spring is very energising to me.David Hockney
Hoe while it is spring, and enjoy the best anticipations. It is not much matter if things do not turn out well.Charles Dudley Warner
Holidays are all different depending on the company and time of your life.Dominic Monaghan
It was spring break, so the theater was always packed with high schools students. It was an animal house. I wanted to burn the place down.Haruki Murakami
Spring is a time to find out where you are, who you are, and move toward where you are going.Penelope Trunk
Holy cow, in the course of one week I feel like I've lived about a year!Karlie Kloss
Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world.Virgil A. Kraft
When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.Marcus Aurelius
Spring makes everything look filthy.Katherine Whitehorn
It's not Spring Break until somebody dies!Daniel Tosh
Poor, dear, silly Spring, preparing her annual surprise!Wallace Stevens
The world's favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May.Edwin Way Teale
April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.William Shakespeare
Spring an experience in immortality.Henry D. Thoreau
Indoors or out, no one relaxes in March, that month of wind and taxes, the wind will presently disappear, the taxes last us all the year.Ogden Nash
Spring's greatest joy beyond a doubt is when it brings the children out.Edgar Guest