Benjamin Disraeli Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old Benjamin Disraeli quotes, Benjamin Disraeli sayings, and Benjamin Disraeli proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.'

As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information. Benjamin Disraeli
The secret to success is to be ready when opportunity comes. Benjamin Disraeli
The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes. Benjamin Disraeli
I will not go down to posterity talking bad grammar. Benjamin Disraeli
An insular country, subject to fogs and with a powerful middle class, requires grave statesmen. Benjamin Disraeli
How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct. Benjamin Disraeli
The secret to success is to be ready when opportunity comes. Benjamin Disraeli
Youth is a blunder, manhood a struggle; old age a regret. Benjamin Disraeli
The most dangerous strategy is to jump a chasm in two leaps. Benjamin Disraeli
Twilight makes us pensive; Aurora is the goddess of activity despair curses at midnight; hope blesses at noon. Benjamin Disraeli
Every production of genius must be the product of enthusiasm. Benjamin Disraeli
Something unpleasant is coming when men are anxious, to tell the truth. Benjamin Disraeli
When I want to read a novel, I write one. Benjamin Disraeli
I am a Conservative to preserve all that is good in our constitution, a Radical to remove all that is bad. I seek to preserve property and to respect order, and I equally decry the appeal to the passions of the many or the prejudices of the few. Benjamin Disraeli
Conservatism discards Prescription, shrinks from Principle, disavows Progress; having rejected all respect for antiquity, it offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future. Benjamin Disraeli.
Books are the curse of the human race. Benjamin Disraeli
The secret to success is to be ready when opportunity comes. Benjamin Disraeli
Change is inevitable. Change is constant. Benjamin Disraeli
Nowadays, manners are easy and life is hard. Benjamin Disraeli
Christianity is completed Judaism, or it is nothing. Christianity is incomprehensible without Judaism, as Judaism is incomplete without Christianity. Benjamin Disraeli
We are not creatures of circumstance; we are creators of circumstance. Benjamin Disraeli