Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous
old Robert Brault quotes, Robert Brault sayings, and Robert Brault proverbs, collected over the years from a variety
of sources.'
You can spend too much time wondering which of identical twins is the more alike.Robert Brault
You can spend too much time wondering which of identical twins is the more alike. Robert Brault
You will find that if you really try to be a father, your child will meet you halfway. Robert Brault
The average teacher explains complexity; the gifted teacher reveals simplicity.Robert Brault
There is no such thing as gratitude unexpressed. If it is unexpressed, it is plain, old-fashioned ingratitude.Robert Brault
Retirement is having nothing to do and someone always keeping you from it.Robert Brault
Most of us don't need a psychiatric therapist as much as a friend to be silly with. Robert Brault
The happiest memories are of moments that ended when they should have. Robert Brault
Cherish the friend who tells you a harsh truth, wanting ten times more to tell you a loving lie.Robert Brault
Our most difficult task as a friend is to offer understanding when we don't understand.Robert Brault
If you can wear the hard times of your life as furrows on your brow, you can wear the good times as a twinkle in your eye.Robert Brault
If God had wanted to be a big secret, He would not have created babbling brooks and whispering pines. Robert Brault
History is man's best guess as to what the past would look like if everything had happened in chronological order.Robert Brault
The average teacher explains complexity; the gifted teacher reveals simplicity.Robert Brault
When you have brought up kids, there are memories you store directly in your tear ducts.Robert Brault
Do not ask that your kids live up to your expectations. Let your kids be who they are, and your expectations will be in breathless pursuit. Robert Brault
There are days when you need someone who just wants to be your sunshine and not the air you breathe.Robert Brault
Sometimes, perhaps, we are allowed to get lost that we may find the right person to ask directions of.Robert Brault
Present yourself always
As who you would be,
And that is the person
The world will see.Robert Brault
In the end you don't so much find yourself as you find someone who knows who you are. Robert Brault
There is always a perfectly good excuse, always a reason not to. The hardest freedom to win is the freedom from one's excuses. Robert Brault
Dancing is moving to the music without stepping on anyone's toes, pretty much the same as life.Robert Brault
The imagination is a palette of bright colors. You can use it to touch up memories ? or you can use it to paint dreams.Robert Brault
It's not that perfection cannot be achieved. It's that it's so hard to stop there.Robert Brault
Sometimes I sit up late with my thoughts, reluctant to fall asleep and leave my thoughts alone by themselves.Robert Brault
A vacation trip is one-third pleasure, fondly remembered, and two-thirds aggravation, entirely forgotten.Robert Brault
It can be said of optimism that while sometimes mistaken, it is never sadly mistaken.Robert Brault
You do not wake up one morning a bad person. It happens by a thousand tiny surrenders of self-respect to self-interest.Robert Brault
What we find in a soulmate is not something wild to tame but something wild to run with.Robert Brault
That portion of reality that can be composed within a frame can be understood.Robert Brault