Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous
old Theodore Roosevelt quotes, Theodore Roosevelt sayings, and Theodore Roosevelt proverbs, collected over the years from a variety
of sources.'
The second cup of coffee is never as good as the first.Theodore Roosevelt
Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.Theodore Roosevelt
The reason fat men are good natured is they can neither fight nor run.Theodore Roosevelt
Work hard at work worth doing.Theodore Roosevelt
A good Navy is not a provocation to war. It is the surest guaranty of peace.Theodore Roosevelt
A powerful Navy we have always regarded as our proper and natural means of defense; and it has always been of defense that we have thought, never of aggression or of conquest. But who shall tell us now what sort of Navy to build? We shall take leave to be strong upon the seas, in the future as in the past; and there will be no thought of offense or provocation in that. Our ships are our natural bulwarks.Theodore Roosevelt
Our chief usefulness to humanity rests on our combining power with high purpose. Power undirected by high purpose spells calamity, and high purpose by itself is utterly useless if the power to put it into effect is lacking.Theodore Roosevelt
Every person who invests in well-selected real estate in a growing section of a prosperous community adopts the surest and safest method of becoming independent, for real estate is the basis of wealth.Theodore Roosevelt
Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.Theodore Roosevelt
When you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it.Theodore Roosevelt
The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.Theodore Roosevelt
People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader leads, and the boss drives.Theodore Roosevelt
The spirit of brotherhood recognizes of necessity both the need of self-help and also the need of helping others in the only way which every ultimately does great god, that is, of helping them to help themselves.Theodore Roosevelt
Courtesy is as much a mark of a gentleman as courage.Theodore Roosevelt
In life, as in a football game, the principle to follow is: Hit the line hard.Theodore Roosevelt
The reason fat men are good natured is they can neither fight nor run.Theodore Roosevelt
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.Theodore Roosevelt
The farther one gets into the wilderness, the greater is the attraction of its lonely freedom.Theodore Roosevelt
People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader leads, and the boss drives.Theodore Roosevelt
The best leader is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.Theodore Roosevelt
A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.Theodore Roosevelt
To waste and destroy our natural resources, to skin and exhaust the land instead of using it so as to increase its usefulness, will result in undermining in the days of our children the very prosperity which we ought by right to hand down to them.Theodore Roosevelt
Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don't have the strength.Theodore Roosevelt
When you're at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on.Theodore Roosevelt
In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.Theodore Roosevelt
Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.Theodore Roosevelt
Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else.Theodore Roosevelt
Believe you can and you're halfway there.Theodore Roosevelt
It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeedTheodore Roosevelt
The best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is nothing.Theodore Roosevelt