Negligence Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old negligence quotes, negligence sayings, and negligence proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.

The first definition of gross negligence that comes up when you take out the legal dictionary is being extremely careless. The minute you say someone is extremely careless you are saying they're grossly negligent. Rudy Giuliani
A great proportion of the wretchedness which has embittered married life, has originated in a negligence of trifles. Thomas Sprat
If a man prays God for some virtue, and at the same time gives himself up to negligence, acquiring no definite means to gain this virtue, and making no effort towards it, truly this man tempts God, rather than prays. Thus the divine James says: 'The effectual prayer of a righteous man avails much' (Jms. 5:16). What avails to make prayer effective? is when, besides begging a saint to pray for him about something, the man also prays about it himself and with all diligence does everything necessary for obtaining his request. Lorenzo Scupoli
Here then is the real problem of our negligence. We fail in our duty to study God's Word not so much because it is difficult to understand, not so much because it is dull and boring, but because it is work. Our problem is not a lack of intelligence or a lack of passion. Our problem is that we are lazy. R. C. Sproul
Often has a small spark through neglect raised a great conflagration. Rufus
Not about the perversities of others, not about their sins of commission or omission, but about his own misdeeds and negligences alone should a sage be worried. Buddha
His noble negligences teach, what others' toils despair to reach. Matthew Prior
That loss is most discreditable which is caused by negligence. Seneca The Younger
It's not negligence. It's just kind of being asleep at the wheel when business is running smoothly, and then you get hit. Avivah Litan
To let friendship die away by negligence and silence is certainly not wise. It is voluntarily to throw away one of the greatest comforts of the weary pilgrimage. Samuel Johnson
Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from...the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence. Daniel Webster
Celerity is never more admired than by the negligent. William Shakespeare
When a man's life is destroyed or damaged by some wound or privation of soul or body, which is due to other men's actions or negligence, it is not only his sensibility that suffers but also his aspiration toward the good. Therefore there has been sacrilege towards that which is sacred in him. Simone Weil
Let everyone who has the grace of intelligence fear that, because of it, he will be judged more heavily if he is negligent. Bridget of Sweden
The real and effectual discipline which is exercised over a workman is that of his customers. It is the fear of losing their employment which restrains his frauds and corrects his negligence. Adam Smith
Where there are many beauties in a poem I shall not cavil at a few faults proceeding either from negligence or from the imperfection of our nature. Horace
It is the neglect of timely repair that makes rebuilding necessary. Richard Whately
Compensate for the regret and negligence in previous works by working hard in the future. Ali al-Hadi
And therefore you must know that you can forfeit the grace and help of God by your willful sinning or negligence, though you cannot, without grace, turn to God. If you will not do what you can, it is just with God to deny you that grace by which you might do more. Richard Baxter
If you neglect your work, you will dislike it; if you do it well, you will enjoy it Sir Philip Sidney
We never fail when we try to do our duty, we always fail when we neglect to do it. Sir Robert Baden-Powell