School Sayings and Quotes

When you’re young, school can seem like a necessary evil. But learning is more than just sitting in class all day. Below you’ll find a collection of wise and insightful school quotes.

Just like in other parts of your life , you will get out of middle school what you put into it. Sandy Silverthorne
You could just go to school, do the work and get through it, or you could really dive in and take advantage of all the cool opportunities that are now available to you. Sandy Silverthorne
Extracurricular activities are the things that can make your middle school experience rich, fun, and rewarding. Sandy Silverthorne
We treat people in the schools like children, not adults. We don't treat them like professionals. The only way to attract bright people to education is to give them working conditions where they can use their minds. Carl D. Glickman
The secret is to steal-to walk into another teacher's classroom and say, 'Give me that.' Harry Wong
Well-prepared teachers are the most distributed school resource. Linda Darling-Hammond
Even in schools with weak or threadbare cultures, it is usually possible to find some things worth celebrating. Those stories, values, traditions, heroes or heroines provide a viral starting point for updating, reinvigorating, and re-framing the school's identity and culture. Lee G. Bolman
Lord, grant that I may always desire more than I can accomplish. Michelangelo
You can learn anything you need to learn to achieve any goal you set for yourself. There are no limits except the limits you place on your imagination. Brian Tracy
The 5 most common words heard by a school principal: 'Have you got a minute?' John Blaydes
Child primary education is a crucial right for children. Fait Muedini
Throughout the world, youth have stressed the importance of learning. Fait Muedini
Education is arguably the most important policy option with regard to domestic and international development. Fait Muedini
Education is first and foremost the vehicle through which societies reproduce themselves, both the inputs and the outputs in an education system. Fait Muedini
Early education should be appropriate to the child's age and nature, as part of a natural developmental process. E. D. Hirsch
In a school that is a home for the mind, there is an inherent faith that all people can continue to improve their intellectual capacities throughout life. Arthur L. Costa
As a school becomes a home for the mind, the vision increasingly pervades all of its communications. Arthur L. Costa
Parents send their kids to school for many other reasons as well: intellectual, social, civic, aesthetic. Mike Rose
Education in its broadest sense gives knowledge much more of a life worthy future than it would otherwise have, dying with the learner. David Perkins
Classroom environment is one of the most important factors affecting student learning. Joan Young
A classroom culture that defines mistakes as powerful yet safe learning opportunities opens everyone up to having a bit of fun. Joan Young