Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous
old successful women quotes, successful women sayings, and successful women proverbs, collected over the years from a variety
of sources.
Reflecting on a clear picture of real success allows us to discern our purpose, clarify our vision, and recognize the blessing of success along the journey. A successful woman holds this picture in her mind, heart, and spirit.Victoria Lowe
A successful woman serves God's purpose rather than her own vanity, ego, or personal agenda.Victoria Lowe
One of the greatest challenges when beginning to look at the careers of successful women is to arrive at a working definition of career success.Marilyn J Davidson
A common pattern among the successful women was to wait until their career was well established before contemplating a family.Marilyn J Davidson
One of the key themes which emerged in the interviews with the successful women was their strength of commitment to thier careers.Marilyn J Davidson
Definitions of career given by the successful women, in which they described career as an integral part of their identity.Marilyn J Davidson
Real success asks you to know who you are and who you are not.Victoria Lowe
Real success is discovered only after hard work.Victoria Lowe
You have the opportunity to be successful in every season of your life if you follow in God's will.Victoria Lowe
Women have an opportunity now to change the world.Sophia Amoruso
We are all aware of the movement toward women becoming a significant force in the chance for real dynamic change.Sophia Amoruso
Women make natural anarchists and revolutionaries.Kim Gordon
Women don't give themselves enough credit for what they can do.Valerie Young
When a woman is successful, people of both genders like her less.Sheryl Sandberg
An ambitious and successful woman heads down a challenging career path with the thought of having children in the back of her mind.Sheryl Sandberg
Everywhere we see evidence of women's growing power and success.Nancy D O'Reilly
All women, especially women of color, are still severely underrepresented and undeserved.Nancy D O'Reilly
The number of women running for office in 2018 blew apart all previous records, and let's not forget that this is a sector of paid jobs that has long been off-limits for women.Nancy D O'Reilly
Even though almost all women believe that it's harder for a woman to get elected than it is for a man, they are running anyway.Nancy D O'Reilly
Studies show that women actually win elections at the same rate as men.Nancy D O'Reilly
In the end, hard work is the true, enduring characteristics of successful people.Peggy A. Pritchard
Being successful is less about money and more about confidence.Grace Bonney
Finding smart, collaborative people whom you work well with is the key to any successful endeavor.Grace Bonney
Success is living my life based on purpose.Malene Barnett
Be authentic. Own your work style and don't ever think you have to change who you are to be successful.Cheryl Day
It is important to take an honest look at yourself and what it takes to be successful in you field of interest.Grace Bonney
The world's successful people are more good and giving than most imagine.Brendon Burchard
The higher we climb in life, the more we realize just how hard everyone has worked to achieve anything.Brendon Burchard
We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced.Malala Yousafzai