Is there anything more beautiful than a sunrise? The display of orange and pink across the sky is enough to make even the heaviest sleepers want to be an early riser. Below you’ll find a collection of wise and insightful sunrise quotes.
There's always a story. It's all stories, really. The sun coming up every day is a story. Everything's got a story in it. Change the story, change the world.Terry Pratchett
It's the hour when night breaks away from the day, my dove, let me go.Jean Genet
There is, I have heard, a little thing called sunrise, in which the sun reverses the process we all viewed the night before. You might assume such a thing as mythical as those beasts that guard the corners of the earth, but I have it on the finest authority, and have, indeed, from time to time, regarded it with my own eyes.Lauren Willig
This morning the sun made me adore it. It had, behind the dripping pine trees, the oriental brightness, orange and crimson, of a living being, a rose and an apple, in the physical and ideal fusion of a true and daily paradise.Juan Ramón Jiménez
Another world, another day, another dawn. The early morning;s thinnest sliver of light appeared silently. Several billion trillion tons of super hot exploding hydrogen nuclei rose slowly above the horizon and managed to look small, cold, and slightly damp.Douglas Adams
There is a moment in ever dawn when light floats, there is the possibility of magic. Creation holds its breath.Douglas Adams
Always there was a moment—a quick slip of time—when the sun broke free of the trees and bled from its yolk, spilling in red-orange rivers over the silk.Terry Kay
The sun would lift out of the spreading silk of the fog cap, and balance itself, impaled, in the tree tips of black gum and oak.Terry Kay
The wind, deserted by the warm sun, blew fresh and cold, but the spicy scent of spruce bark it carried gave promise of the summer day to follow.Sylvia Halliday
The sun rises before I do, but I break even by retiring after it does.Jules Renard
If a fee were charged to see the sun rise, almost everybody would be up to watch it.Evan Esar
One man's sunset is another man's sunriseEvan Esar
O rising Sun, so fair and gay / What are you bringing me, I pray / Of sorrow or of joy to-day?Frederick George Scott
O mighty, powerful, dark-dispelling sun / Now thou art risen, and thy day begun.James Weldon Johnson
As shades of light on light rise radiant from thy crest / For thee, great source of strength, emblem of might.James Weldon Johnson.
In hours of darkest gloom there is no night / Thou shinest on though clouds hide thee from sight.James Weldon Johnson.
O greater Maker of this Thy great sun / Give me the strength this one day's race to run.James Weldon Johnson
Fill me with light, fill me with sun-like strength / Fill me with joy to rob the day its length.James Weldon Johnson
The master-hand whose pencils trace / This wondrous landscape of the morn / Is but the sun, whose glowing face.James Whitcomb Riley
Spangled with the shine and shade / I see the rivers raveled out / In strands of silver, slowly fade / In threads of light along the glade.James Whitcomb Riley
Over all the waking earth / The tears of night are brushed away / And eyes are lit with love and mirth / And benisons of richest worth
Go up to bless the new-born day.James Whitcomb Riley
Young palmer sun, that to these shining sands / Pourest thy pilgrim's tale, discoursing still / Thy silver passages of sacred lands.Sidney Lanier
I finally rest, and watch the sunrise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest will.Christopher Markus
In the dark many bird voices call / The trees and the springs murmur noisily / In the clouds a rose-colored glow sounds / Like early love's distress. The night blues away Georg Trakl
We gotta get these people across the border before sunrise, we need the fast movers. Me & him, we are the fast moversBenjamin Cavell
I found a tree, and I spent the night. 'Cos I wanted to be there in the morning... for the very first sunrise.Laurie Craig
A thing of beauty is a joy 'till sunrise.Harvey Fierstein
Ah, good morning. Sunrise over the jungle. Magnificent.Nathan Juran
Reach up for the sunrise / Put your hands into the big skyAndrew Taylor
You can touch the sunrise / Feel the new day into your life.Roger Andrew Taylor