Theme Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old theme quotes, theme sayings, and theme proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.

The theme you choose may change or simply elude you, but being your own story means you can always choose the tone. It also means that you can invent the language to say who are you and what you mean. Toni Morrison
Different themes inevitably require different methods of expression. This does not imply either evolution or progress; it is a matter of following the idea one wants to express and the way in which one wants to express it. Pablo Picasso
A very powerful theme in fiction is that of loss. Alexander Mccall Smith
You need a theme in a picture book just as much or maybe even more than you need it in a novel. Eve Bunting
The recurring theme which predisposes people to depression is rejection and lack of self-esteem. Richard Winters
The original theme of 'Beauty and the Beast' is don't judge a book by its cover. Love what's inside. Jay Ryan
There are three great themes in science in the twentieth century: the atom, the computer, and the gene. Harold E. Varmus
You don't believe in organized religion, yet a major theme in so many of your works seems to be a quest for God. Arthur C. Clarke
The main theme of the Bible is the restoration of humanity and, through humanity, of the whole of creation to its original harmony. Bede Griffiths
Theme is great for people who like to approach stories that way, but it's an organizing principle that helps us write a story that has some weight; it's not something that all readers have to care about. Kurt Busiek
Themes only arise after a novel is written, and people begin to try to talk about it. Rachel Kushner
One of the consistent themes you'll find throughout the Bible is that God will always provide the necessary information about Jesus Christ to someone who sincerely desires to receive that revelation. Robert Jeffress
Meditation on any theme, if positive and honest, inevitably separates him who does the meditating from the opinion prevailing around him, from that which ... can be called 'public' or 'popular' opinion. Jose Ortega Y Gasset