Evan Esar Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old Evan Esar quotes, Evan Esar sayings, and Evan Esar proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.'

Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiration, and inspiration. Evan Esar
Poker was played in Biblical times: Noah had a full house and Solomon held at least four queens. Evan Esar
All things come to him who goes after them. Evan Esar
A go-getter never has time to attend to other people's business because he always has more business than he can attend to. Evan Esar
Enterprise may not be enough to get you to the top, but it will get you off the bottom. Evan Esar
All things come to him who waits that's why the smart man hustles. Evan Esar
Enterprise means taking advantage not of things that happen but of things that do not happen. Evan Esar
A legal action that results in no damages is an example of a cause without an effect. Evan Esar
With man, every effect has its causes; with woman, its because. Evan Esar
Cause and effect can be puzzling: for example, cold feet are often the result of burnt fingers. Evan Esar
Many men owe their success to their wives; others owe their wives to their success. Evan Esar
Half the trouble in the world is cause by loose thinkers, and the other half by tight drivers. Evan Esar
Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiration, and inspiration. Evan Esar
Most people are anxious to do a favor for those who don't need it. Evan Esar
Self-esteem is the confidence which a person has in himself even though there's no one be has fooled more often. Evan Esar
Of all the opinions which people entertain, the best one is that which they have of themselves. Evan Esar
There's plenty of room at the top, but not enough for the people who think they ought to be there. Evan Esar
The proof that many a man is a poor judge of human nature is the good opinion he holds of himself. Evan Esar
The man who is sure to make others boil is the one who is always letting off esteem. Evan Esar
The employee who is far behind in her work is probably far ahead on her coffee breaks. Evan Esar
The good old days were an era when the day was done before the worker was. Evan Esar
There are a dozen taxpayers born every hour, and one government worker to live off them. Evan Esar
An apology sometimes consists of words of regret that you really feel. but more often words of regret. Evan Esar
Speak when you're angry and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret. Evan Esar
The surest sign of growing old is when you begin to regret the sins you did not commit. Evan Esar
Good intentions usually last as long as the remorse which gives them birth. Evan Esar
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. Evan Esar
The trouble with many people is that they take so long to start to begin to get ready to commence. Evan Esar
It takes all kinds of people to make a world, and it's about time they got started. Evan Esar
A glamour girl is a thing of beauty and an expense forever. Evan Esar