Evan Esar Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old Evan Esar quotes, Evan Esar sayings, and Evan Esar proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.'

In a democracy, you believe it or not; in a dictatorship, you believe it or else. Evan Esar
Under a dictatorship the people have to follow their leader when they should be chasing him instead. Evan Esar
The football season is the only time of the year when girls whistle at men in sweaters. Evan Esar
The good old days were when football game was something that got people outdoors. Evan Esar
Why pay to go see a bad movie when you can watch television and see a bad one for nothing? Evan Esar
Some of today's films are so long that it takes less time to read the book. Evan Esar
Some movies are so bad that they have to be seen to be depreciated. Evan Esar
A critic seldom realizes how good the book is until after he sees the movie. Evan Esar
The only bright thing about some movies is the electric sign in front of the theater. Evan Esar
With modern jets you can have breakfast in Los Angeles, lunch in New York, dinner in London, and baggage in Rome. Evan Esar
During adolescence the music you enjoy is good music no matter how bad it is. Evan Esar
The difference between classical and popular music is the difference between antique and antic. Evan Esar
Good musicians execute their music but bad ones murder it. Evan Esar
Marriage brings music into a man's life. He learns to play second fiddle at home. Evan Esar
Some girls are music lovers, while others can love without it. Evan Esar