Evan Esar Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old Evan Esar quotes, Evan Esar sayings, and Evan Esar proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.'

The only person who is unbiased is one who has the same bias we have. Evan Esar
Diplomacy is the art of diving into trouble without making a splash. Evan Esar
A good diplomat is one who can always make himself misunderstood. Evan Esar
Diplomacy is the art of handling a porcupine without disturbing the quills. Evan Esar
A diplomat is one who can put his foot down without stepping on someone else's toes. Evan Esar
A diplomat is a man who uses his head without anyone suspecting it. Evan Esar
Money may be a curse, but you can always find someone to take the curse off you. Evan Esar
If music is the language of the soul, jazz must be the curse words. Evan Esar
Man is a conceited creature: when we're right we credit our judgement; when we're wrong we curse our luck. Evan Esar
A poker face enables a card player to conceal the kind of hand he has by the kind of face he hasn't. Evan Esar
Some movies are so bad, it is hard to believe they were ever released; they probably escaped. Evan Esar
Some men flee from temptation, but others just crawl away from it hope it will overtake them. Evan Esar
When you flee temptation be sure you don't leave a forwarding address. Evan Esar
When you flee temptation be sure you don't have a forwarding address. Evan Esar
The wicked flee when no man pursueth, but they flee even faster when someone is after them. Evan Esar
Some impressive looking books are not as thick as their authors. Writers are often paid by the word, never by the thought. Evan Esar
Some people are impressed only when they are suppressed. Evan Esar
A chrysanthemum by any other name would be easier to spell. Evan Esar
Some of the hardest words in English are spelled with e's. Evan Esar
Some people are good at spelling; others know how to spell the synonyms for the words they don't know how to spell. Evan Esar
Love spells romance, marriage dispels it. Evan Esar
The best way to keep healthy is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not. Evan Esar
Health is something that makes you feel it's a fine day when it isn't. Evan Esar
Youth thinks nothing of health, and age thinks of nothing but. Evan Esar
Your health depends more on the number of years that have passed over your head than on the number of colds that have passed through it. Evan Esar
The picture of health requires a happy frame of mind. Evan Esar
Equity follows the law, but seldom overtakes it. Evan Esar
All dictators are alike: they have control of everything - except their feelings. Evan Esar
Under dictatorship, the people in prison are always superior to the people who put them there. Evan Esar
The country that has only one man who can save it, is not worth saving. Evan Esar