Evan Esar Sayings and Quotes

Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old Evan Esar quotes, Evan Esar sayings, and Evan Esar proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.'

Glamour is something that evaporates when the sweater is a little too large. Evan Esar
A glamour girl is one who looks good enough to eat and dresses with taste. Evan Esar
A glamorous creature has the kind of figure that men give the once-over twice. Evan Esar
There's something glamorous about every women, especially when there are a few drinks in a man. Evan Esar
Conscience is what makes a boy tell his mother before his sister does. Evan Esar
Conscience is the playback of the still, small voice that warned you not to do it in the first place. Evan Esar
In every person's conscience there is a policeman who is usually off duty. Evan Esar
The reason conscience has a small, still voice is that it's often a small, still conscience. Evan Esar
More people would listen to their conscience if they could tell it what to say. Evan Esar
Public speaking is the art of diluting a two-minute idea with a two-hour vocabulary. Evan Esar
Absence makes the hear grow fonder, but presents brings better results. Evan Esar
When a man doesn't go straight home, his wife's remarks do. Evan Esar
Habits are hard to change; many a man whose wife is away hates to go home just the same. Evan Esar
To some people freedom of religion merely means a choice of churches to stay away from. Evan Esar
There are some people who are always in the conversation when they are not there. Evan Esar
Democracy is a form of government where you can always say what you like, and do what you're told. Evan Esar
Government of the people and for the people never seems to get along with the people. Evan Esar
Democracy is a ship of state whose officers try to steer a straight course in all directions. Evan Esar
The virtue of a free government is that the more freedom you have, the less government you need to have. Evan Esar
Democracy is a form of government whose citizens have complete freedom to choose which candidate they prefer to mess things up for them. Evan Esar
The happy man counts his blessings; the unhappy one counts his cash. Evan Esar
Pay as you go, unless you are going for good. Evan Esar
Nowadays when a woman furnishes her home in Early American Style, it probably means she has paid for in cash. Evan Esar
Credit buying has divided America into two classes; those who have all the latest appliances, and those who pay cash. Evan Esar
Cold cash has a way of making the approach a little warmer. Evan Esar
Self - evidence: evident to one's he has inside information, self and nobody else. Evan Esar
A man's prejudice is mental, a woman's temperamental. Evan Esar
The man who does not think as we do is apt to be prejudiced. Evan Esar
Many a man makes mistake of developing his opinions in the dark room of prejudice. Evan Esar
Prejudice is merely a lazy man's substitute for lazy thinking. Evan Esar